Timothy Esquillo
Tim belongs to our team of Web Developers and a geek for anything tech and everything Star Wars. Besides creating bizarre remixes, he also collects speakers which saves us from sleepy work hours.

He spends time getting updated on tech trends and devices, playing video games, and watching movies. He also occasionally dishes out a sarcastic comment or two when the need arises.


My AngularJS and Firebase Wombo Combo Experience

There are tons of documentation out there that supports one’s desire to learn Angular JS The superheroic framework and Firebase which is also developed and maintained by Google, but for this article, I’ll talk about the advantages and simply what it’s like developing and AngularFire (Angular + ...

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What It Takes to be a Virtual Reality Developer

The arrival of Virtual Reality (VR) took everyone by storm. It gave a whole new type of experience that is literally beyond the world we know. Interestingly, VR did not start out in the gaming field. It has its roots in NASA and flight trainings which was offhand its most practical application. But ...

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